Inline Skating Lessons - What can I learn?
I generally follow the UKISA (UK Inline Skating Association) methodology and build on it.
I teach the follwing key techniques:
- safety: correct falling (!) and getting up, emergency breaking
- moving forward: Stride 1, 2, & 3 (speed skating), double push
- breaking: heel brake, spin stops (2 types), pad stops, T-stop, power slide (backwards and forwards)
- turning: A-frame turn, parallel turn, lunge turn, sidesurf turn
- backwards: moving (several ways), turning, stopping, transitions (6 basic variants)
- exhibition moves: easy, sidesurf, toe-toe and heel-heel combos, speed spin stops, rotating powerslides etc
- slalom: basic moves (parallel, snake, backwards), advanced moves (grapevine, nelson, one foot, backwards, criss-cross etc)
- street: surfaces and transitions, curbs, basic jumps, stair walking, stair riding (forwards, sidways, backwards)
Plus preparations for street skates, races, etc...
Looking for something not on the list? Ask me, I might have forgotten it whilst compiling this!
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